Acupuncture works by creating balance in the body, decreasing inflammation and inflammatory responses and alleviates pain. The human body ultimately seeks a state of homeostasis or balance. When it is unable to achieve this, there is imbalance. Where there is imbalance, there is pain and disease. By accessing specific acupuncture points Dr. Amundson is able to help the body restore balance, alleviate pain, and reduce inflammation.
You may have heard the word Qi (pronounced “chee”) and never quite knew what it meant. Qi is life giving energy that circulates throughout the body in meridians or channels giving you vitality and function. When qi is depleted or obstructed, symptoms of disease may begin to appear. If left untreated these symptoms may progress into a more serious illness of the physical body or mind. Acupuncture is far more than just inserting a fine hair-size needle into a tender area to relieve symptoms. Those who receive acupuncture not only heal physically, but often experience a new and profound state of peace, clarity, and harmony, which often has lasting impact.
Many patients choose acupuncture as an alternative to western medicine to avoid having to medicate. Some examples include:
- Chronic pain not responding to western medical intervention.
- Conditions for which there is limited medical treatment available such as acute viral infections, metabolic disorders, chronic degenerative or autoimmune diseases.
- As an adjunct treatment for psychosomatic disorders like anxiety and depression or symptoms that are associated with or worsened by stress.
- Coping with side-effects of medications and improving vitality in long term illness.
- Facilitating wellness and preventing illness for people who are currently in good health.
Acupuncture is powerful medicine. Here at Amundson Chiropractic Health Services we utilize Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Nutrition, Nutraceutical Supplements, and tissue work to support, strengthen and balance the energy, blood and organs of the body. If you have questions about incorporating Acupuncture to your Chiropractic Care, give our office a call at 816-220-0660 and set up an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Amundson.
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