Chiropractic does not heal the gut or reverse conditions such as IBS, but your body can.

Let me explain.

Gut health is dependent on many things, yet how do people with IBS, Chron’s, constipation, and “leaky gut” see an improvement in symptoms associated with these conditions once under Chiropractic care? The answer to this originates in a contributing factor to gut inflammation. While diet, exercise, and stress play heavy roles in gut health, the overall function of your digestion is controlled by your central nervous system – because every action in your body is. Chiropractic care has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body and promote healing. A misalignment of certain parts of the spine have also been shown to prevent proper digestion. Therefore, getting proper care may help to ease symptoms and get you moving again. By getting adjusted, you allow your central nervous system to function appropriately by taking irritation off of the nerves going to the stomach and/or intestines. This will directly influence your digestive system and the health of your gut.

Unfortunately, many types of digestive problems show up in middle age. The largest group of people suffering from a digestive disease are typically males aged 50 and older. For whatever reason, age plays a fairly large factor in these diseases. That doesn’t mean, however, that it can’t hit people of all ages. In recent years, more and more young people have been suffering from digestive trouble. It can attack both genders, all races, and all ages. The great news is, not only will you be feeling better and moving better under chiropractic care, you will be functioning at a higher level!

Give us a call 816-220-0660 at Amundson Chiropractic Health Services today to set up your appointment for your next Chiropractic adjustment. The height of your potential through chiropractic care is truly amazing! Send me any comments or questions, as I look forward to helping you reach your wellness goals!


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